Friday, April 01, 2005

And while we're all thinking about the Vatican

All the attention turned to the Pope's failing health has renewed a question I've had for some time:

Doesn't it seem a little, well, underwhelming to describe the papal living quarters as "an apartment"? I mean, calling it "an apartment" makes it seem like the kind of place where the Pope has to constantly call the superintendent to complain about the noise from the Cardinals downstairs ("Will you guys keep the chanting DOWN?! I'm trying to watch 'Wheel' up here."), or the maintenance guy to fix the damn drip in the holy water vessel once and for all. At least they could come up with something with a little more mystique, like the Pope's sanctum, or retreat. With the strong possibility of a Latin American Pope in the future, calling it his "abode" would probably work, too. Or, if the Vatican wanted to connect better with young people, the "Pope's digs" would go some ways towards bridging the generational gap.

If I were the next Pope ("yes, Virginia, someday there'll be a Jewish Pope..."), I'd demand at least a townhouse, especially since any day now, the landlord could take the place condo.


Anonymous said...

I like to think of it more as a bachelor pad: lots of beaded curtains, a water bed...

Carol Davidson said...

I'm troubled that my "bachelor pad" idea wasn't original. There really is no such thing as a brand new thought.

Geekbird said...

geekbird should be the new pope

Anonymous said...

Right, and if he owned instead of renting he could do all kinds of things with the place, like maybe paint the ceiling. . .

Mitch Teich said...

So, the question is, has the Vatican listed the Pope's apartment yet ("2BR, 1BA, marble floors, view of St. Peter's Square..."), or is that gauche until after the funeral?