Monday, January 08, 2007

We're talkin' Mighty Strange

Okay, I know it's a little trite to blog about dreams, but this one was so bizarre it's hard not to comment on.

The setting: The gymnasium at Wauwatosa West High School. I've never been there, so I have no idea what it looks like (and of course, because it's a dream, I have no idea how I know it's supposed to be the gym at Wauwatosa West High School).

I'm a newspaper reporter, assigned to cover the basketball game being played at Tosa West between Michigan State University and its lesser-known rival, a school called "Marcus and the Shovel." It's a competitive game, which is surprising, because it also turns out that "Marcus and the Shovel" is attended by only 28 students (again, a fact revealed through unclear, dream-like methods).

Michigan State ended up winning the game.

It's a dream entirely not worth interpreting, except to the extent that it probably originated with a conversation I had with my brother about a recent men's volleyball game that pitted the 11th ranked Ohio State University Buckeyes against, yes, the Milwaukee School of Engineering.

And really, that's not worth interpreting, either, except that it's interesting to note that the initials "M.S." figure heavily in "Michigan State", "Marcus and the Shovel", and "Milwaukee School (of Engineering)." Also, I edited an interview that aired on our radio program this morning. The topic? Multiple Sclerosis.

All of this links, inextricably, to Mitch's Subconscious.


Anonymous said...

What's even more amazing is that 28 was the number of people in attendance of the Ohio State Volleyball game. For the record I think OSU is taking on Wauwatosa West H.S. (JV) on Thursday. Go Bucks!

Anonymous said...

Better yet, I think "Marcus and the Shovel" qualifies as an entry in your previous post about great band names.